• An environmental group opposes a bid by the TVA to boost the generating capacity of its three reactors at the Browns Ferry plant in Alabama. (The Chattanoogan)
• A process to recycle spent nuclear fuel rods for future power generation at the TVA resumes in South Carolina. (Aiken Standard)

The TVA reduces its overall capital budget for 2017 but boosts its planned spending on cleaner energy sources. (The Chattanoogan)
Entergy’s response to the historic flooding in Louisiana demonstrates the benefits of planning and flexibility. (EnergyWire)

***SPONSORED LINK: Accelerate the Clean Economy at VERGE (Santa Clara Convention Center, Sept. 19-22) to explore business opportunities and solutions at the intersection of technology and sustainability. Save 10% with code V16FE here.***

COAL ASH: Tougher coal ash disposal regulations motivate a Houston environmental management firm to expand into South Carolina. (Plastics News)

COAL: First Energy asks for a surcharge on its West Virginia ratepayers to pay for upgrades to emissions controls at two coal-fired power plants there. (Charleston Gazette-Mail)

• A leading national installer expands into Florida. (Solar Industry)
• A Duke Energy executive takes over as the CEO of a commercial solar developer the utility owns a majority stake in. (Charlotte Business Journal)

FRACKING: New research by Duke University and others suggests chemicals used in fracking increase risks of miscarriages, prostate cancer, birth defects and other ailments. (Florida Today)

WASTE-TO-ENERGY: Questions grow about the cumulative health and environmental impacts of a power plant in Northern Virginia that burns much of the household waste from Washington, D.C. (ThinkProgress)

EDUCATION: A former north Georgia resident extols the virtues of a STEM-focused school-to-work program that lands her an engineering job at the TVA. (The Chattanoogan)

***SPONSORED LINK: Plug into the latest solar industry developments, training sessions and networking at Solar Power International in Las Vegas, Sept. 12-15. Save 15% using Southern Alliance for Clean Energy’s partner code 15SACE2016 here. ***

OIL & GAS: An industry executive paints a brightening outlook for modest job growth in West Virginia. (The Exponent Telegram)

• A Dominion executive speaks up on climate change, but that turns out to be a bad thing. (Power for the People VA blog)
Replacing coal and other fossil fuels with cleaner energy sources is paramount to combating extreme weather due to climate change. (Charleston Gazette-Mail)
• Southern Co. should buy the TVA’s Bellefonte nuclear power plant. (Alabama Media Group)
• Regulators should reject Florida Power & Light’s bid for larger profits. (Bradenton Herald)

Jim Pierobon, a policy, marketing and social media strategist, was a founding contributor to Southeast Energy News. He passed away after a long battle with pancreatic cancer in 2018.

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